Hugh Halter 1-Day Intensive - Past


This will be the premier Forge Joplin training event of the year! We are thrilled to be hosting Hugh Halter, one of the finest missional practitioner/teachers in the United States. Hugh hails from Denver, Colorado and is the founder of Adullam - a reproducing missional community network in the Denver area and Missio - a training network for incarnational community leaders. He is the author of The Tangible Kingdom, The Gathered AND Scattered Church, and Sacrilege. He has taught at the VERGE, Exponential, and Sentralized Conferences and is a close friend of Forge.

Date & Time: Friday, August 2nd from 9am to 4pm. 

Location: Good News Productions, International - 2111 N. Main St. Joplin, MO

Cost: $20

"The Hugh Halter training event that Carissa and I attended in Kansas City last year, was the single most significant missional training experience that altered the practical ways we live our lives and engage our world. We would not be the missional practitioners we are today without Hugh's teaching." 

Clarke T. Cayton, Co-Director of Forge Joplin

The Both/And Paradigm of Truth & Grace (6/22/13) - Past


In this upcoming Forge Mini-Intensive led by Chad Cayton, we will discuss, share, learn and experience what it means to flesh out "the fullness of grace and truth"; it's impact on our lives and how it shapes our political, social, and ecclesiological perspectives.

Saturday, June 22nd, 2013 - 1:00pm until 4:00pm

@LifeChoices - 531 E. 7th St Joplin, MO

*Please park behind the building and use the back entrance. 


PANDEMIC: Infecting Your World With The Gospel (5/11/13) - Past


A Forge Joplin Missional Training Event w/ Clarke Cayton.

PANDEMIC: An epidemic (a sudden outbreak) that becomes very widespread and affects a whole region, a continent, or the world.

Ever wonder how the 1st Century Church literally spread like a virus and grew from 25,000 disciples in 100AD to 20,000,000 disciples by 310AD?  Or how the Modern Chinese Underground Church has multiplied from 2 million followers to 80 million followers, in just 60 years??  Especially considering that both examples had very few bibles, no professional clergy, no central organization, and no mass meetings?!   We have much to learn from these disciples. My earnest prayer is that such a gospel-virus would be unleashed in the United States.  Let the outbreak begin with us!

Saturday, May 11th, 2013 - 9:00am until 12:00pm

 @ LifeChoices - 531 E. 7th St Joplin, MO