Who Do You Say I AM? (4/6/13) - Past


A Forge Joplin Dinner & Missional Training Event w/ Michael Banes, exploring the identity and person of Jesus. As a missional community, we believe that our understanding of mission centers on the "Sent-One" of God.  We would say that our Christology informs our Missiology - meaning that if we don't get Jesus right, we will never get mission right. So join us for an afternoon of inspirational teaching and rich conversation around this radical messiah, Jesus.

​Saturday, April 6, 2013 - 3:00pm until 7:00pm

​@ Michael Banes' House - 2266 S. Ressie Dr.  Carthage, MO

  • Training from 3pm to 6pm
  • Dinner from 6pm to 7pm

Please bring $5/adult for Dinner

Families w/children are welcome!