The primary training platform for Forge is a 9-Month Residency, designed to awaken each resident to the Missio Dei (or Mission of God) and equip them to live and lead on-mission in their local context. This missional context could be a neighborhood, workplace, or social space. The residency is not meant to train the participant in a particular model of missional living or missional community, rather it is designed to lay the apostolic foundation for missional movement in their life; through shifting paradigms, recalibrating discipleship, and catylizing spiritual giftings for leadership. The result should be the entrepreneurial birth of kingdom-sighted, culturally-informed, gospel-infused, organizations, businesses, churches, and communities on mission.
Forge Residency is perfect for,
- anyone already involved in outreach ministry or local church leadership
- anyone attending or planning to attend Bible College or Seminary
- anyone desiring to plant a church or start a community based non-profit
- anyone desiring to live as a missionary to post-christian/post-churched contexts
- anyone desiring to see their city or neighborhood transformed by the power of the gospel
- anyone who is a radical follower of Jesus, religious non-conformist, misfit, or outcast
Forge Residency Components:
First Trimester Reading Assignments for Residency2013
- Context: Each resident is required to identify a missional context which serves as a learning lab for the duration of the residency.
- Coaching: Designed to encourage self-discovery and application of residency content within the resident’s context.
- Clusters: Intended to create relational connection with a community of fellow residents based on proximity. (5-7 Residents per Cluster)
- Collaborative Training (Intensives): A 1-Day gathering of all HUB Residents for intense teaching, reflection, and formation from the leading missional thought-leaders from around the world.
- Curriculum (Directed Learning): Residents will learn from a wide range of strategic, focused reading assignments.
The Forge Joplin Residency is a 9-Month commitment lasting from the first of January through the end of September, concluding at the National Conference in Dallas, TX.
Cost for Residency2014 will be $750/individual or $1,000/couple. Included in the residency will be:
- 10 Books by a Host of Pioneering Thought-Leaders in the Missional Movement
- 9 Cluster Gathering Parties
- 3 Collaborative Training Full-Day Intensives with Globally Recognized Missional Leaders
- 18 Coaching Sessions with a Missional Guide
- Registration for Sentralized Conference 2014 & Forge America Tribal Gathering in Dallas, TX (September 25th - 28th.)
Payments can be made in 1/3's, due at the beginning of each trimester. January, April, and August.
Contact Forge Joplin, if you are interested in taking the first step in transforming your future and unleashing the Mission of God in your life and community!